For many years the SAR has recognized the many common bonds of purpose and principles shared by the SAR and the Boy Scouts of America.
Young men achieving the rank of Eagle Scout have demonstrated their belief in these common principles. For this reason, the SAR believes that Eagle Scouts are deserving of special recognition for their dedication and accomplishment.
There are two elements to this recognition. First, there is a recognition of all new Eagle Scouts. This does not depend on any later decision by the new Eagle Scout about whether to compete for the scholarships available, or not. It merely requires someone in the scout troop adult leadership to send a request for the SAR Eagle Scout Recognition Certificate .
SAR Embossed Eagle Scout Recognition Certificate.![]()
SAR Engraved Eagle Scout Recognition Certificate.The Virginia Society Eagle Scout Recognition Program is available to award or provide Certificates of Recognition to all Virginia Eagle Scouts, either annually or upon specific request, and usually in advance of an Eagle Scout Court of Honor. Requests for certificates should be directed to the VASSAR Eagle Scout Programs Chairman at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the Court of Honor ceremony.
The following info must be included in the request (preferably in a list format, in the same order as below - to facilitate processing):
- Eagle Scout's name as it should appear on the certificate;
- Date of the Court of Honor (if known);
- BSA Council & District;
- Troop Number;
- Troop Location (city & county);
- Sponsoring Organization;
- Adult Leader Position in the Troop of the person making the request;
- To whom, & the address, the certificate should be mailed; and,
- Local VASSAR chapter (if known).
Certificates are typically sent from a scout's local SAR Chapter; however, in some cases, they may be sent directly from the Virginia Society of the SAR.
[ Note: The above info on requesting a SAR Recognition Certificate is only for those scouts, & Scout Troops, that are located in the state of Virginia. Those that are located in other states should contact the Eagle Scout Chairman for the SAR state society in their own state. You can find that person by visiting the state contact page on the National Society site located at: SAR Eagle Scout Webpage.]
National SAR Scholarship Competition.
The second element in our Eagle Scout Recognition Program is the annual competition for scholarships. This portion of the program requires additional work from the new Eagle Scout.
Nationally there are three SAR organizational levels at which a new Eagle Scout might compete for additional recognition and/or monetary awards. Entrants need to complete only one application -- the one for the chapter competition. If it is a chapter winner, it is then submitted by the chapter for the state competition; and, if it is a winner again, it is then submitted by the state for the national competition.
The top National winner receives an $10,000 Scholarship award and is brought as a guest to the National SAR Congress, held in June or July each year, where the award is made and the Eagle Scout presents his essay to the assembly.
The National first runner-up receives a $6,000 award and the second runner-up $4,000, presented at State society meetings.
An Eagle Scout may apply more than one year, but no individual may be awarded more total dollars than the $10,000 First Place award. For example, if an Eagle Scout applies one year and receives the National runner-up award of $6,000, and has not reached his 19th birthday in the following calendar year, he may apply the second year, but if he were the First Place winner, he would receive only an additional $4,000.
The Virginia Society Eagle Scout Scholarship Competition offers applicants opportunities to win awards at all three levels: Chapter, State, and National.
To participate in the Eagle Scout Scholarship Program in Virginia, eligible Eagle Scouts must be sponsored by one of Virginia's VASSAR Chapters, unless sponsored by the Virginia Society, in the event no regional chapter representation exists. Winners of chapter competitions will have the opportunity to compete for one of the three Virginia Society SAR Cash Scholarship Awards, ranging from $200 to $1000. The application of the First Place Winner of the Virginia Competition will be forwarded to NSSAR for entry in the National Scholarship Competition.
Who may apply and deadlines for applications
Any Eagle Scout is eligible to apply who is still actively registered in a Scout unit provided that he does NOT reach his 19th birthday in the calendar year of application, whether he is enrolled in high school or college. There is no limit to the number of times a Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturer may apply. Prospective applicants should prepare for the Scholarship competition by earning the three recommended merit badges ( American Heritage, Genealogy, & Law) and researching their ancestries while still Star or Life scouts.
This annual competition is conducted on a calendar year basis. The deadline for submitting applications for the VASSAR state competition is the 31st of December each year. The deadline for the chapter competition submissions in your area of residence is December 15th in order that your application may be reviewed and/or reformatted in time for the state submission deadline of December 31st. Some chapters permit submission via e-mail.
(A free Adobe Reader is available to view these files on your computer. Please Click on the Get Adobe Reader logo)
1. Completed application form signed by you and your parent/guardian. Also, the BSA Unit Leader must sign, certifying the accuracy of the facts as they relate to the scout's scouting record.
MSWord Version: Application Form
Word Perfect Version: Application Form
2. The four generation Ancestry Chart.
[ Note: The Ancestry Chart are now fill-in and savable.]3. Your original essay with footnotes and bibliography, not to exceed 500 words written on an American Revolutionary Patriotic Theme. A description of sample topics, which must be related to the REVOLUTIONARY WAR period may be found here Theme Guidelines
Webmaster's Note : Applicants will need the following info for their application:
VASSAR State Eagle Chairman:
- Ken Hawkins
- 5501 Bulls Bay Drive
- Virginia Beach, VA 23462
- (757) 763-8361
[If the above link is used, the above won't be necessary. It is already on the form.]
The chapter Eagle Scout Chairman info can be obtained from the chapter. ===> Good Luck![ Note: Scouts in states other than Virginia should visit the National Society, SAR Eagle Scout Webpage, to find their state SAR society website and/or their state contact.]
For more information, including chapter-specific program information for the Chapter nearest you, please contact one of the following Representatives of the Virginia Eagle Scout Recognition and Scholarship Programs in your Council area:
Blue Ridge Mountains Area Council
5107 Hunting Hills Drive
Colonial Virginia Council
15242 New Towne Haven Lane
Heart of Virginia Council
No Address Provided
Sequoyah Council
No Address Provided
Virginia Headwaters Council
No Address Provided
Buckskin Council
2046 Lee Avenue
Del-Mar-Va Council
5501 Bulls Bay Drive
Shenandoah Area Council
5224 Dixons Mill Road
Tidewater Council
401 Bartell Drive
National Capital Area Council
No Address Provided
National Capital Area Council
No Address Provided
National Capital Area Council
No Address Provided
National Capital Area Council
No Address Provided
National Capital Area Council
No Address Provided
National Capital Area Council
No Address Provided
Last Updated: April 8, 2023
Copyright © 2023 VASSAR Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution - All Rights Reserved